There are 5 types of background you can set on a section:

  1. Solid Color "color" This can be set using a hex code, rgb or rgba. e.g. "color": "#BF4342"
  2. Liner Gradient "linearGradient" e.g. "linearGradient": "#e66465, #9198e5" (see
  3. Radial Gradient "radialGradient" e.g. "radialGradient": "#e66465, #9198e5" (see
  4. Image "imageUrl" e.g. "imageUrl": "[<>](<>)"
  5. Repeating Pattern "patternImageUrl" e.g. "patternImageUrl": "[<>](<>)"

Additionally backgrounds can be layered on top of each other to create effects.

"background": {
    "layers": [
        "imageUrl": "<>"
        "patternImageUrl": "<>"
        "color": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)"

Paste this json in the editor (or canvas) to see some cool backgrounds in action:

  "name": "Backgrounds",
  "description": "An example site with different types of background"
  "company": "Kiba Labs",
  "sections": [
      "type": "hero-simple-1",
      "titleText": "Solid color",
      "background": {
        "color": "#BF4342"
      "type": "hero-simple-1",
      "titleText": "Linear Gradient",
      "background": {
        "linearGradient": "#e66465, #9198e5"
      "type": "hero-simple-1",
      "titleText": "Radial Gradient",
      "background": {
        "radialGradient": "#e66465, #9198e5"
      "type": "hero-simple-1",
      "titleText": "Image",
      "background": {
        "imageUrl": "<>"
      "type": "hero-simple-1",
      "titleText": "Pattern",
      "background": {
        "patternImageUrl": "<>"
      "type": "hero-simple-1",
      "titleText": "Stacked",
      "background": {
        "layers": [
            "imageUrl": "<>"
            "patternImageUrl": "<>"
            "color": "rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.4)"

Good resources for backgrounds: