A common thing you see on websites these days is giving the users the ability to chat to you directly from the webpage. One of the best providers for this is crisp.chat, we use them for everypage and love them and encourage you to try them too.

Here's a video going over what we talk about in this short article:


Hopefully you already have a website set up in everypage. For this tutorial I'm using my consulting site at consulting.krishan711.com.

The first step is to create a crisp.chat account. If you haven't got one already, sign up at app.crisp.chat. Once you have an account, go to the dashboard, click the Settings button on the left and then click the "Website Settings" button. You should get something that looks like this:

From there, click the Settings button of the website you want to use. You can also create a new one if needed.

Inside Settings, click the "Setup instrcutions" box and you should be presented with your website id like so:

From here, you will need to copy the id, we will use it in our everypage site.

Now head over to console.everypagehq.com and go to the editor for the site you want to update. I'm updating my consulting site, which looks like this:

The first thing to do is click the JSON button in the editor, since plugins can't be edited in Form view just yet (although by the time you read this they might be 😬).

What we want to do here is either add a plugin to our existing plugins or add our first plugin. If this is your first plugin, it should look like this:

"plugins": [{
  "type": "crisp-chat",
  "websiteId": "your website id"

And if it's your second or more, it should look like this:

"plugins": [{
	...(your other plugins)...
}, {
  "type": "crisp-chat",
  "websiteId": "your website id"

And that's all, once you publish your users will be able to chat to you via crisp 🎉